Blake's Epic Day

Blake is an 11-year-old car enthusiast with congenital heart defects who recently received a kidney transplant. He welcomes the distraction that cars bring him while faced with a lifetime of medical interventions.

On Tuesday, November 16th, Blake’s Super Heroes With Super Kids Foundation experience began at our Super Hero Command Center, where he, his Dad and his good friend toured our Gizmo’s, Gadgets & Gears attraction, restaurant and retail concept, before enjoying lunch, compliments of Park Tavern, in St. Louis Park. While eating and visiting with Steven and Sunhi Schussler, the group was surprised with a visit from Batman who invited them into his Bat Cave to check out our 1996 Batmobile!

Being the huge car enthusiast that he is, this was an incredible treat for Blake, but that wasn’t the end of the surprises for him. Shortly after entering the Bat Cave, the garage door opened to reveal Blake's favorite iconic crime fighting car, Bullitt, making the whole experience extra special!

The group had time to take it all in before being whisked away as the honorees in a Super Hero Parade. The St. Louis Park Police and Fire Departments provided a police car and fire truck, with lights and sirens blaring, to escort Batman and our special guests on a ride of a lifetime, complete with a dessert date at Steve Schussler's private garage, filled with dozens of motorcycles and collectible cars, giving Blake even more time to explore his passion for cars!