
“because no is yes waiting to happen”


It’s fitting that someone who’s achieved remarkable success working against all odds would welcome the opportunity to take up the cause of children fighting catastrophic illness. That’s exactly what Steven and Sunhi Schussler are doing by putting giving in action with the Super Heroes with Super Kids Foundation.

Widely regarded as the master of themed dining experiences—like the visionary and top-grossing Rainforest Cafe, T-Rex, Yak & Yeti and the Boathouse at Walt Disney World—this time Steve and Sunhi’s goal is creating a transformative 360° immersion into a world of ever victorious super heroes. A magical world where overcoming the forces of evil is all in a day’s work.

Passion and imagination are two of the most powerful engines of success.
— Steven Schussler

Schussler Creative inc.

Inventions, Ideas, Contraptions and Dreams™

Schussler Creative is an innovative team that embraces imagination and creates theatrical hospitality venues, attractions and experiences unlike any other!

Passion and imagination are two of the most powerful engines of success! At Schussler Creative, the paths of free-thinking individuals cross each other. Unusual and natural talents are used in an open forum to bring collective, creative ideas to fruition. When this occurs, opportunities arise that pave the way for phenomenal events.

The environment necessary for this to happen is simple: Uncompromising standards to enhance the guest’s experiences and a working atmosphere that encourages creativity.


Entrepreneur's Credo

It is my right to be uncommon if I can. I seek opportunity not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.

I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.

I refuse to barter incentive for a dole; I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia.

I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat.

It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself, to enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say: This, with God’s help, I have done.

Artist's Credo

To receive the inspiration to create, to share that creation with others, and to be totally supported in the process.

An inspiration that calls us to create. Once the inspiration is received, then we can bring that vision into the world as a song, painting, book, invention, new business or any other tangible form.

After the creation is born, it needs to be shared with others. No one creates in a vacuum. It is only when the vision is successfully communicated to its intended audience that it truly comes alive.

The artist needs to be supported for what he does. If he has made a positive connection with his audience, the support will come financially and emotionally. While it may not always be there immediately, it will ultimately arrive. This is where the artist needs to trust and be patient.

This dream is not just the artist’s dream. It is our dream as well. Through work or play, job or family, vocation or avocation, you can experience the joy of creating, sharing, and being acknowledged. Experience this creative process and you will never grow old in spirit.


Books by Steven Schussler

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by Steven Schussler

The Amphicar has been an infatuation with me ever since visiting the New York World’s Fair with my father and brother in 1965. At the age of ten, I knew looking at the cars in a giant swimming pool was very special, but I did not realize how special until reading popular mechanic and other magazines while growing up…


It's a Jungle in There

by Steven Schussler

Entrepreneur Steven Schussler lives by six words: “No is yes waiting to happen.” Against all odds, he created Rainforest Cafe in his suburban Minneapolis home and spent years convincing investors that his idea wasn’t crazy. Today, Rainforest Cafe is one of the top-grossing restaurant chains in the world, and Steven’s company, Schussler Creative, continues to deliver.